Freshman year I was OBSESSED with “Hamilton: An American Musical.” I’m talking would sing it in class, forced other people to listen to it, only ever played the soundtrack, knew (still know) all the lyrics to all 46 songs. Again I say I was obsessed. Fun fact, did you know that Lafayette's “Guns and Ships” rap clocks in at 19 words in three seconds? And yes, if you're wondering, I can rap the whole song, all three vocal parts, myself.
Well, freshman year came and went. Sophomore year I was still listening to “Hamilton,” but it wasn't the first thing on my mind, or on my playlist. Junior year, American History. This did bring my mind back towards “Hamilton,” but not much. Senior year and my newfound obsession with theatre and musicals in general has re-sparked my obsession (sorry to my classmates who must put up with my constant singing and humming).
Well, this year for Christmas my father got Donovan and I something that I never imagined. TICKETS TO HAMILTON! YAY! Now, you must be thinking, “Wait you're obsessed with “Hamilton,” but you've never seen it?” Yes, its true. When tickets on a good day cost $250 a seat, I have not seen “Hamilton.”
For four years I was obsessed with one thing, the level at which my obsession was changed, but nevertheless, I was obsessed. For four years I limited the music I listened to to 46 songs, all the same artists. For four years I subjected myself to a single thing, with little time in between my obsession.
Obsession can not be a healthy thing, depending on what the obsession is towards. For me, my “Hamilton” obsession was not harmful to me, but maybe to those who constantly heard me singing “What Did I Miss.”
Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin has an obsession. This obsession is in the form of repeating themes. As the almost 20 minute song progresses you hear Gershwin’s theme come back again and again, placing itself into different parts and keys.
In Rhapsody in Blue, this musical obsession with two measures of theme is productive in keeping the jazz piano concerto well rounded and connected. However, many obsessions that people have, like my obsession with Hamilton, or the common obsession of vaping can be harmful. I let myself be all consumed by one album. People who are addicted to vaping leave every class to hide out in the bathroom.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines obsession as “a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling.” Obsessions are all controlling, they dictate your day. Freshman year I put a big “Hamilton” picture in my essay for english class. For some reason I thought my essay needed it. While my obsession was not productive, the themes that Gershwin is obsessed with keep “Rhapsody in Blue” focused.